I have finished reading this book and I have yet the task to understand it.
At the end I figured out what most of it was about, or at least that is what my innocent and yet not fully developed mind thinks. It is all about not interfering and just going with the flow. If there was a perfect place for Lao Tsu, it would be small and simple, where there are all types of opportunities for progress and at the same time it is not needed so it does not take place.
In this perfect world, there would be no wars of government, and people would be humble. His perfect world is one that I know would and will never happen. It is like the far never accomplished and never found Utopia.
Regarding what the Tao is, I don`t have idea, it is something that cannot be explained and there should be no attempt to explain. It is a mystery. It is there, but we cannot see it, or know its power, or hear it, or feel it, like the universe. Yeah it may be that this connection to the universe is not very elaborate or makes not much sense, but I have the task to connect it to the space pictures of the NASA, and that is what I am doing. The Tao is like space, we know it is there, but we cannot quite explain it.