I found Alycone and Ceyx's story beautiful and very touching as well. It is about a king and his wife, two who love each other and live happily together. Ceyx, the husband, has to undergo a journey through water and risks his life to complete his mission. The idea of risking to loose her all, hunted Alycone, and so she begged him to travel by land. Her love towards him was so big, and the bond between them so strong, that she was willing to risk her life and accompany him, for, without him nothing made sense. However he won`t let her come to the journey to keep her safe from the dangers of the sea. "If you die my life is over and shall be cursed with every reluctant breath I draw."(PG 20); here Alycone proves how in the story love is portrayed as a feeling of dependence: without one`s lover, life is not worth continuing and every second is more painfull than the one before. Love has been reflected everywhere in stories throughout history, but...Does this kind of love really exist? It is admirable how love endures until death and is loyal and transforms people.It is similar to the story of Odiseus and Penelope, she refused to get married and waited for her husband for years until he returned ^from war disgized as a begger. There are not a lot of relationships like this one these days. I relate this situation to the one of the wives that see their man go away to war without the serenity of knowing they will return home. Is there no compassion, like the gods didn't have it with Alycone?
In his mission a storm caused his death and he prayed for his dearly and poor wife. Morpheus(Note that Morpheus comes from morphos that means shape)acquires his shape and warns Alycone in sleep. She looks and looks along the shores seeking the body without life of her lover, when she finds him, she becomes a bird. I don`t understand this transformation very well or it’s meaning. I interpret it as she becoming the one who is watching over everything. The fact that she had a premonition of his death and since many times the repeated visit of a bird is interpreted by many as a premonition that someone you lost is accompanying you, or that something is to happen or just happened, makes me think that is what it means.
I was interested about how sleep is a character and talks and acts.
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