In the first chapter of the Genesis, God creates everything that was known to exist at the time it was written. At the beginning everything was dark and so God creates light and with it he creates dawn and evening, he creates the day. From there on god continues to form earth In a process of seven days. He divided the water from the heaven and created land to separate the waters, then the herbs and trees, the beasts of world and so on. It is on the sixth day that man Is created. I have already noticed that humans are described hereaxc as the final and major purpose of the creation, they are created to subdue the world and make it theirs; “And God blessed them, and god said unto them, Be fruity and multiply, replenish the earth, and subdue it.” ( Genesis 1-29) I also noted, that as in Gilgamesh, the humans are meant to reproduce snd it is seen as a good thing and a part fulfilling the duty with God. “So God created man in his own image, in the image of God created he him…”(Genesis 1-27), I was specially interested about how god created man like him, maybe that is where the stereotypical idea of god being a beard man comes form and the writer of the bible probably also thought we where the closest thing on earth to god.
The second chapter is more like another version of the creation. Men is created first and then the creatures and herbs and trees for him. Here man was created form soil of the ground and God bring the beasts to accompany him, but he was still lonely so them he creates woman from one of his ribs: “And the rib, which Lord God had taken form man, made he a women , and brought her unto man” ( Genesis 2-22). Already there are sexist principles and I haven´t even started, how is it that woman is made from a part of men and brought to him. We are not made for men or them for us, we are our own property.
Ok anyway, in my journey through the fist beginning of the first book printed ever, I have been attracted by many versions and explanations of how things happen and what things are. I now remember that what religions attempt is to explain the doubts of the people. There are many versions of creation and this one I find very interesting.
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