Ok so, today in class we where discussing who is guilty for the ruin of men. Yeah, Adam tasted the fruit of the tree forbidden by God, Eve seduced him into doing it, and the serpent manipulated her into tasting it too; all of them share a small part of the fault but, who is really culpable for the ruin of men is Lord God. If you where to blame Adam, God created him imperfect, if you where to blame Eve, he also created her and gave her seducing abilities as well as he created the serpent, “Now the serpent was more subtle than any beast of the fields which the Lord God had made”(Genesis 3-1). I mean, why did he create the tree, the source of the whole dilemma, in the first place. As we can see in this verse he was even aware of what the tree meant to the future of men and what the fruit caused to who eats it, “ For God doth know in the day ye eat thereof, then your eyes shall be opened, and ye shall be as gods, knowing good and evil” (Genesis 3-5)
O, and he didn´t only create it, he made it as tempting as possible and placed it in the middle of the garden, “And when the women saw that the tree was good for food, and that it was pleasant for the eyes, and the tree to be desired to make one wise…”(Genesis 3-6). Yes he told the not to eat of the tree, however, when I am told not to do something inside me turns all the attention to that. And he wouldn’t have to tell them anyway if he didn´t create the tree. Everything comes back onto god and the mistakes of his creation, the tree the serpent, Adams weakness in denial and Eve´s seduction.
I declare Lord God guilty for the ruin of mankind.
It was very interesting how the hurt involved for the woman when giving birth is explained in the bible as Lord God´s punishment to the woman aside of expulsing her from the garden.
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