We have begun to read The Bhagavad-Gita, one of, or if not the most influencial books representing the indu beleives. At the beginning of the first teaching of I was confused about what was happening, many different supreme characters where mentioned, and they where described as son´s or grandson´s of others. I found this very interesting as I noticed the role of the past generations and who the ancestors of a person where determined a great part of one´s identity. Then I realized what is happening is a war between the son´s of two different god´s (a religious war).
“Honor forbids us to kill\ our cousins, Dhritarashtra´s sons; \ how can we know happiness\ if we kill our own kinsmen?”(37) Arjuna argues how kingship and self pleasure is not worth the death of his people, people who have a life and an important role in society. I have to say I agree with his point of view regarding fighting or not. Many families suffer for their member´s death and for what, for anything; people all throughout history have died fighting for one´s they don´t even know and principals they don´t follow. He also brings into consideration the importance and spiritual value of the family and how the war will cause disorder, “The sins of men who violate\ the family create disorder in society\ that undermines the constant laws\ of caste and family duties.”(44) Family as in the roman culture is a quite serious institution that has to be respected to its maximum.
I was intrigued by a specific thing Arjuna said about three worlds, “I do not want to kill them\ even if I am killed Krishna; \not for kingship of all three worlds, \ much less for the earth! (35). I wonder what three worlds he is talking about are, and what they represent.
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