Sunday, April 18, 2010

Only One More Thing

Finally God is near fulfilling his promise, but guess what? There is one more condition, and a pretty painful one, I`d say, “And ye shall circumcise the flesh of your foreskin; and it shall be a token of the covenant betwixt me and you” (Genesis 17-11). Ouch! Poor Abraham, being circumcised at that age, o well, it’s worth it, isn`t it?
I understand that the bible, as many other creations of man regarding inducing beliefs into the people, explains why things are meant to be that way. Circumcision is a hygiene measure, and I think it was established by the people themselves to avoid infection and at the same time increase reproduction. As it is described in the bible, not having practicing it was an obstacle for men (Abraham) to reproduce. I think the pig thing, about the Jewish not being able to eat it, is for the same reason. The pigs of that time must have been by far the dirtiest animal. One would want to avoid eating it to stay well.

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