a. According to this author where did the word blog come form?The word blog is a portmanteau word for weblog, started in 1997 by Jorn Barger, known as the keeper of the Robot Wisdom. Two years later it was divided by Peter Merholz, becoming "we blog", and leading to the creation of the word blog, used as a noun or as a verb.
b.Why might the writer object to a book about blogs? What is the difference between a blog and a book?"It could not be done, I was sure. Books are tight. Blogs are reckless. Books are slow. Blogs are fast. Books ask you to stay between their covers. Blogs invite you to stray. Books fret over copyright and libel. Blogs grab whatever they want with impunity—news, gossip, pictures, videos. Making a book out of bloggy material, if it could be done at all, would kill it, wouldn't it?" The author explains that doing a book about blogs would be unic and succesfull due to the differences between both.
c.How have blogs changes recently?Today blogs are widely open to the public, and include an impresively broad variety of themes. The way of communicating to the visitors includes new tecnological methods like videos, photos, and cartoons, and the blogs aproach the people more easily with links, tags and other techniques.
d.Why might you read a blog rather than a book, or a magazine, or a newspaper?BLogs give you the information you are willing to get in a brief and easy way. It takes less time to read many different points of view, and helps one find further information on the topic taking him/her to other sources. I like about blogs that you can participate and expose YOUR point of view and ideas.
e.Is there reason to doubt the objectivity of a blog? Why? Why not?Within many types of blogs, you may find subjective blogs that are based on opinions, feelings, and personal experiences and ideas, it all depends on the type of blog and the purpose of the blogger. Other blogs are persuasive, in which case, the blog would be evidently biased.
f.If you kept your own blog, what would you title it?As you may have noticed i would call it
Reflect on it. I would defenitly concentrate on showing mi position to certain events and aspects of society.
g.Find three blogs that mention our summer reading.http://www.ugcs.caltech.edu/~miles/works/Ishmael.html